Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th!

Oh, yes. You didn't know today was worth being happy about? Eyes of the beholder, I suppose.

Today is my wedding anniversary. I've been married a beautiful 22 years to the most wonderful man on earth. He came into my life when I needed him the most and has stuck with me through all the "better" AND "worse."  Turns out we make a pretty good team.

It hasn't come without hard work, sacrifices, and too many boxes of macaroni and cheese, but it's been worth it. For my part, I wouldn't be where I am without my husband. And yeah, yeah, he'll say the same thing about me. But I'm the one writing this post so I get to brag on him today. :)

If not for him I wouldn't be writing. See, he's the one who told me to dream my dreams. And then helped to make them happen. As a result I have a house full of children, a college degree, and in a field that I've loved since I was old enough to read.

If not for him I would have majored in *shudder* Accounting. Wow. Not the right field for me. I learned that pretty quick. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty good with numbers. It just killed my sense of creativity. All that finite math and stuff. There's not a whole lot of fiction going on there.  Well, except for imaginary numbers.

I don't even know why I thought Accounting would be a good idea. Oh, wait. Yes I do. Because people told me I was crazy for wanting to be a writer. Writers don't make any money. As though that's the only reason for doing anything. Pfscht! But I was young, impressionable, and already scared that I wasn't good enough. Despite what my creative writing professors told me to the contrary. And they weren't the only ones.

My husband-to-be was intrigued by my interests. ENCOURAGED them. And he was far better at numbers than I was, so I knew our children would be in good hands. (FYI, they have been. I love being right.)

Today I celebrate a Friday the 13th that changed my life. I think this has been the only time our anniversary has fallen on the exact day of the week that we got married on. (Correct me if I'm wrong. Come on, I dare you. Just rain on my parade. It has all week here anyway.) :)

Today could not be more perfect. Even if all I do is bask in the knowledge that I'm the luckiest woman on earth, that's enough. Tomorrow I'll go back to worrying about everything else. But hey, tomorrow I'll still have my biggest cheerleader cheering me on. And that's what marrying your best friend is all about.

Have a great day!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. HaPPy Anniversary!!! VERy luCKy dAY fOR yOU THen:-)


Tell me how you really feel. Come on, I Dair YA.