Saturday, April 6, 2013

Friends, Followers, and Fans

I took a break one day and came back to this. Pure joy.
I'm a Mom. A writer. A friend. A follower. A fan.

In the vast world of social media we wear all sorts of hats.  We're bloggers. We're friends. We connect with other writers; offer valuable insights, critiques, and support for their writing. We friend writers we've never met in hopes of meeting, greeting, and networking with them. Then we squeal or fist bump someone when we score their signature or meet them in person. Or when they comment on our status. Right? Uh...maybe that's just me. :)

Or maybe your fan club is related to you.  I am so blessed to have such darling children that are not only my best friends, but followers of my writing career. They cheer me on. Give me a reason to write (or fodder, whether they realize it or not). And they proofread my chapters and squeal in delight.  *sigh* They leave messages on my computer (like the one up above) so that despite my working a lot I know that they're thinking of me. *double sigh*

In the vast world of social media we wear all sorts of hats.  We're friends. We connect with other writers. Offer valuable insights, critiques, and support for their writing. We friend writers we've never met in hopes of meeting, greeting, and networking with them. Then we squeal or fist bump someone when we score their signature or meet them in person. Or when they comment on our status. Right? Uh...maybe that's just me again. :)

I'm wondering what will become of the followers section on blogs, now that the Reader feed is going away. Will we still see/need the visual support? I think it's cool. I like seeing who I'm talking to. Like the little icons by people's comments. *waves at everyone*

I've been so blessed to meet other writers through social media, watch their imaginations take shape, then query, then publish.  It's exciting to watch. Makes me happy for them.  And I feel sort of proud that I was their friend. Before they were famous. Of course I'm still going to get their signature, cause you know. They're FAMOUS. :)

In all, I'm grateful for those who follow my writing journey. The love and support is invaluable.

Thank you. Thank you all!


  1. The thing I love most about social media is seeing other writers on their journey. We're all spread out at different places in our careers, but we're all part of the same community!

  2. Hi, Karen! I didn't think of that. It would be a bummer in the follower box went away. I like seeing who I'm connected to, too. I started this blog three years ago to connect with other writers, and it's been such a fantastic journey since then. I've met many wonderful people and they've taught me so much!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  3. Love your post! Stopping by from the A-Z, and wishing you the best in your journey. Happy to follow you.

  4. When Google dropped support for Google Friend Connect on non-Blogger blogs, I lost my little box of smiling faces. It was sad. I understand what you mean about seeing those faces smiling at me as I write articles, inspiring me and spurring me on. I don't keep any kind of count of the number of followers I have anymore. I know people read my blog because they comment, and I know some people keep checking back because they comment more than once. And I can live with that. There's the danger when you have a tally of followers that you get competitive, and try to get followers for the sake of being able to say "see how popular my blog is!", and lose sight of genuinely trying to connect with people.

    That's my thought, anyway. :)

  5. I like your post. Stopping by from A to Z. Happy writing!

  6. I'll be sorry if the follower icon goes away. Someone I know who started blogging recently can't get the follower icon. That's so lame. It's what identifies the Blogger blog and makes it special. Without it, I'm not sure what the point is of sticking with Blogger. Yes, I need my follower icon!

  7. I absolutely love all the amazing people I've met thru blogging.


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  8. It would be nice if google let us know what they're planning at least.

    Moody Writing

  9. I have heard the two are not connected, but I am not convinced I believe that. I have come to learn that I have over double the number of followers as what that box shows, so I am not sure that I care any more anyway. Although, I love seeing that number go up.

    Dropping in from A to Z Challenge. It's my first year participating.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist


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