Friday, April 1, 2011

A to Z Challenge

 Blogging from A to Z during the month of April.

Wait...Karen blogs? Uh...yeah, I know. It's been a busy few months for me.  But I promise it's all good and that someday I'll tell you allllllllllllll about it.  I promise.  But for about we start fresh. Like as in the beginning. You know...the letter A.  Here's the challenge from one of the fabulous hosts at Tossing it Out.

"The premise of the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge is to post something on your blog every day in April except for Sundays.  In doing this you will have 26 blog posts--one for each letter of the alphabet.   Each day you will theme your post according to a letter of the alphabet.

You will only be limited by your own imagination in this challenge.  There is an unlimited universe of possibilities.  You can post essays, short pieces of fiction, poetry, recipes, travel sketches, or anything else you would like to write about.  You don't have to be a writer to do this.  You can post photos, including samples of your own art or craftwork.    Everyone who blogs can post from A to Z."

So you can click on the picture below or the side picture if you want to participate yourself. And no, this is no April Fool's joke.  Honest. :) 

Happy Blogging!!!!


  1. Hi there- Stopped by to check out your A-z post and your blog! It looks fab by the way. This challenge should be loads of fun- I hope you enjoy it!

  2. Just came to say hi! The fun is just beginning. Enjoy the month!


  3. I stopped in for the A-Z challenge. :) I love your purple background!

  4. You go, Carrie! I should have saved this for my "A" post, lol. Now I have to go back and do my Fiction Friday for today. I shouldn't have procrastinated! I'll be back tomorrow!

  5. Hope you enjoy the challenge. I'm having a lot of fun coming up with daily topics!


Tell me how you really feel. Come on, I Dair YA.