Examine Your Zipper.
"Hey! Off my blog kids."
Sorry. That would be my daughter speaking to the last three letters, but her words ring rather profound when you think about it. How many of us take a close look at our writing and see past the embarrassing parts in order to move on?
I remember when I first started writing again, refusing to let my husband read what I wrote. It took two years for me to show him anything, and my writing grew a lot during that time. But not because I suddenly got better or didn't show it to anyone--sparing myself the embarrassment--because I DID show it to people.
And you know that first fear of realizing your zipper is open? Yeah...that was me.
My sister was first to offer me warm encouragement and well constructed advice so that I could improve my writing without losing hope. Others attempted to give me similar help, but they didn't know me as well as she did and their "help" sometimes hurt. That help though has resulted my growing a tougher skin, a stronger backbone.
I don't care if my zipper is caught open anymore. I just look at it and go, "Huh. So it is." *ziiiiiiiip*
Not that I don't take certain precautions, like studying style and grammar and reading LOTS and lots. I try and learn from others' "style" of clothing and find what suits me best. And after years of hard work I'm pleased to tell you I have a very nice wardrobe.
I hope to show it off to y'all someday soon. :) And my thanks to all the fashionistas who came before me, all the designers who have taken risks, and you my friends who have given me honest feedback and have kept me from wearing pink with green...or walking around with my zipper open.
Happy A to Z challenge and...
Have a great day!