Thursday, April 12, 2012

K is for...


*cue the song with the frog and a bone and something about a loan*

But I'm not talking about songs and amphibians today. I'm talking about the use of knick knacks in your story. And why they're important. (Besides, I collect thimbles and mugs--hence the cool photo I found.)

Objects have a key place in a story. They're the story within the story. You see, every object has a history; a reason why someone owns it--keeps it, occasionally dusts it off-- and why an author would mention it. And folks, if you ARE going to mention it make sure it's important. Because readers are smart. I mean we've been taught to look for clues. You in the actual game of CLUE, where objects often become murder weapons. That's no insignificant knick knack folks.

I personally have an important piece of jewelry in one of my books. It's a young girl's link back to her father, and an item that actually keeps her from moving on with her life. That little piece of metal becomes a major plot point in my story. It's a visual image that the reader can latch onto and easily associate with. I mean, we all own jewelry, right (or at least know what it is). In fact, you may even own the piece I mention (shhhh...can't tell you what it is yet).

What I can tell you is that in an earlier draft it almost cost my protagonist her life. The current draft...not so much. But she does panic when she thinks she's lost it. And, uh, panicking is not good for my character. Usually lands her in the hospital.

So, have you ever noticed how important objects are in a book? Do you use them yourselves? Will they make Scarlett and Col Mustard shake in their stilettos and combat boots? :) (Because if they do I want to read it)

1 comment:

  1. You've made me think (not an easy achievement) and I don't think I've ever used objects in my stories. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong . . . ;-)


Tell me how you really feel. Come on, I Dair YA.