Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for...

Markers! Markers! Markers!

Yes, I meant to type it three times; not just because I'm excited, but because I have three different kinds of markers that I use as a writer. And they're soooooo necessary!

  • First: Dry Erase Markers. They work on white boards, mirrors, and large pieces of plastic that you can buy in bulk at the craft store and hang on your wall. :) If you're outlining, then dry erase markers are the marker for you. You can make multiple changes on so many surfaces and then wipe them off easily. Perfect.

  • Second: Window Markers. These are THE coolest markers on the planet
    .Yes, maybe even more cool than dry erase markers. They work in the shower, they work on your bathroom mirror, they keep your kids entertained while you're trying to write. So yeah, a win-win-win all around. I get a lot of great ideas while I'm relaxing in the warm water, so these markers were the perfect gift from my teenage daughter.

  • Third: Sharpies. These are for the rest of my life. Things that aren't temporary or outline-ish (but perhaps outlandish at times). :) Lunch sacks for my children. Snack bags for my children. Frozen meals to hold my family through NaNoWrimo. My family is always there for me, so the Sharpies are to remind me that while what I write may someday be forever emboldened on the family is a permanent part of my life; right here, right now, and they need my time too.

So, what kind of marker do you think might help you the most? What other tricks or tips have you found to help you in your writing?


  1. Look forward to the rest of your challenge run…can’t believe we’ve had 15 days already!
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. I love this post because it's absolutely something I'd blog about. :) I actually own (and love!) each of the three types of markers you mentioned, and use them all for similar purposes. Great idea for an M post!

  3. Thanks a great idea! I'm going to get myself some of those markers and start scribbling my ideaas all over the tub.

  4. Definitely like the sharpies they work well in mixed media projects, never tried the window markers, will have to give them a go! Amanda

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog


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